Your marriage can grow in intimacy and trust, even as you deal with the everyday irritations and conflicts that all couples experience. Winston T. Smith helps couples see those disagreements as opportunities to face the underlying issues that destroy intimacy and to grow closer as they rely on God to sacrificially love each other.
Through an interactive ten-week course that uses discussion questions, small group exercises, vignettes, Bible study, and relationship building activities, this manual gives couples the invaluable experience of applying and living the principles from the book Marriage Matters: Extraordinary Change through Ordinary Moments through an extended period of time. Each unit gives clear direction on how to understand, love, accept, and wisely speak the truth and ends with homework that gives couples the opportunity to put what they have learned into practice.
The manual covers a broad array of topics including communication, conflict, forgiveness, intimacy, sex, and marriage roles and is suitable for a small group study, a marriage enrichment program, and for a marriage counselor or mentor to use with individual couples.
Marriage Matters Video
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