The Atonement April 19, 2011 Atonement and the Covenant of Grace by Hugh Martin IF we would investigate the very doctrine of Atonement which God’s Word sets forth, —… GOL 0
The Atonement April 19, 2011 The Terminology of the Atonement by R. A. Finlayson The Latin dramatist Horace has given a rule of dramatic art to which John Calvin… GOL 0
The Atonement April 19, 2011 Agorazo in 2 Peter 2:1 by Jim Ellis I was stimulated to do a little study on the meaning of the Greek word… GOL 0
The Atonement April 19, 2011 Expitiation – A Sermon (No. 561) by Charles H. Spurgeon 'Thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin.' - Isaiah 53:10. Both Jews and… GOL 0
The Atonement April 19, 2011 Nature of Christ’s Sacrifice by R. L. Dabney There is no safer clue for the student through this perplexed subject, than to take… GOL 2
The Atonement April 19, 2011 The Atonement by John Owen The following selection is part of Owen’s discussion of chapter 20 of Thomas More’s The… GOL 0
The Atonement April 19, 2011 The Atonement by John Murray Atonement is the term that has come to be widely used to denote the substitutionary… GOL 0
The Atonement April 19, 2011 The Atonement by J. Gresham Machen 'For as many as are of the works of the law are under a curse;… GOL 0
The Atonement April 19, 2011 The Atonement: Was the Sin Question Finally Settled at the Cross? by Arthur W. Pink It is unspeakably sad that the atoning death of the Lord Jesus Christ-the most wonderful… GOL 0
The Atonement April 19, 2011 The Nature of the Atonement by John Murray In dealing with the nature of the atonement it is well to try to discover… GOL 0
The Atonement April 19, 2011 The Doctrine of the Atonement – Part I by J. Gresham Machen THE priestly work of Christ, or at least that part of it in which He… GOL 0
The Atonement April 19, 2011 The Doctrine of the Atonement – Part II (The Active Obedience of Christ) by J. Gresham Machen LAST Sunday afternoon, in outlining the Biblical teaching about the work of Christ in satisfying… GOL 0
The Atonement April 19, 2011 The Doctrine of the Atonement – Part III (The Bible and the Cross) by J. Gresham Machen HAVING observed last week what are the leading views that have been held regarding the… GOL 0
The Atonement April 19, 2011 The Atonement of Jesus Christ – Part I by Brian Schwertley Introduction The most important and significant event in history was the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.… GOL 0
The Atonement April 19, 2011 The Atonement of Jesus Christ – Part II by Brian Schwertley Chapter 2 The Nature of the Atonement The section on the necessity of the atonement… GOL 0
The Atonement April 19, 2011 The Atonement of Jesus Christ – Part III by Brian Schwertley Appendix An Examination of How Judaism Denies the Vicarious Atonement of Jesus Christ In order… GOL 0
The Atonement April 19, 2011 The Atonement by Loraine Boettner The two great objectives to be accomplished by Jesus Christ in His mission to this… GOL 0
The Atonement April 19, 2011 The Atonement – The Significance of Christ’s Death by Loraine Boettner If we compare the manner in which the service of the world's greatest men have… GOL 0
The Atonement April 19, 2011 The Atonement – The Satisfaction View of the Atonement by Loraine Boettner Before we can have any adequate understanding or appreciation of the work that Christ has… GOL 0
The Atonement April 19, 2011 The Atonement – The Active and Passive Obedience of Christ by Loraine Boettner We have said that the two great objectives to be accomplished by Christ in His… GOL 1
The Atonement April 19, 2011 The Atonement – Christ As Our Ransomer by Loraine Boettner In numerous places in Scripture Christ's work of redemption is declared to have been accomplished… GOL 0
The Atonement April 19, 2011 The Atonement – The Representative Principle by Loraine Boettner We have said that at the beginning of the race Adam stood not only for… GOL 1