Presuppositionalism May 17, 2011 Ready To Reason by Dr. Greg Bahnsen Is it Necessary? A surge of pious agreement overcame me the first time I heard… GOL 0
Presuppositionalism May 17, 2011 Revelation, Speculation, and Science by Dr. Greg Bahnsen It is one of those embarrassing historical ironies that modern science could not have arisen… GOL 0
Presuppositionalism May 17, 2011 Presuppositional Procedure by Dr. Greg Bahnsen Here then is how the presuppositional (transcendental) method of defending the faith would proceed once… GOL 0
Presuppositionalism May 17, 2011 Evidential Apologetics: The Right Way by Dr. Greg Bahnsen In popular misconception today, the choice of an apologetical method facing a Bible-believing Christian is… GOL 0
Presuppositionalism May 17, 2011 Beware of Philosophy! by Dr. Greg Bahnsen Newport Christian High School has something virtually unique among the various private, Christian schools around… GOL 0
Presuppositionalism May 17, 2011 Where the Rubber Hits the Road by Dr. Greg Bahnsen Christians in the ancient world knew what it was to have accusations and ridicule directed… GOL 0
Presuppositionalism May 17, 2011 Presuppositional Reasoning with False Faiths by Dr. Greg Bahnsen Presuppositional apologetics as taught by Cornelius Van Til urges the Christian to argue with unbelievers… GOL 1
Presuppositionalism May 17, 2011 The Impropriety of Evidentially Arguing for the Resurrection by Dr. Greg Bahnsen It is indubitable that the resurrection of Jesus Christ has paramount significance for the history… GOL 3