The Holy Spirit April 19, 2011 The Holy Spirit by Charles Hodge The two points to be considered in reference to this subject, are, first the nature,… GOL 0
The Holy Spirit April 19, 2011 The Holy Spirit by Edwin Palmer I. The Holy Spirit Is a Person One of the distinguishing marks of a Christian… GOL 0
EschatologyThe Holy Spirit April 19, 2011 The Holy Spirit and Eschatology by Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. No development in biblical studies within the past century has had a greater impact than… GOL 0
The Holy Spirit April 19, 2011 The Holy Spirit in the Life of the Christian by R. A. Finlayson Here we study the subjective work of the Holy Spirit that perfects and consummates His… GOL 0
The Holy Spirit April 19, 2011 The Personality and Procession of the Holy Spirit by George Smeaton I PURPOSE to discuss to-day the DIVINE PERSONALITY of the Holy Spirit. This is a… GOL 0
Sovereignty of GodThe Holy Spirit April 19, 2011 The Sovereignty of God the Holy Spirit in Salvation by Arthur W. Pink THE MISSION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Since the Holy Spirit is one of the three… GOL 0
The Holy Spirit April 19, 2011 The Work of the Holy Spirit in Our Salvation (Chapter 7) by Thomas Goodwin How the Holy Ghost is the author of regeneration, or the first application of salvation… GOL 0
The Holy Spirit April 19, 2011 The Work of the Holy Spirit in our Salvation (Chapter 8) by Thomas Goodwin How the Holy Ghost is the gift of God the Father to us, in and… GOL 0